My Process

This page offers an in-depth look into my design process, providing a comprehensive overview of how I approach solving design challenges. Here, I’ll delve into the various tools I utilise to enhance my workflow, the project management methodologies I’ve engaged with, and the steps I follow to deliver effective solutions. Additionally, I’ll share an honest self-evaluation, reflecting on both my strengths and areas I’m actively working to improve. This view will give you a clear understanding of how I tackle projects from start to finish. Below you can find the following:


Project Management

Design Process

Self Evaluation


Figma is a tool that I use for my brainstorming, wire-framing, prototyping, presentations and final designs.

Adobe Suite

I use the Adobe Suite when necessary for branding materials and graphic design. I've been using Photoshop since I was 12.


I'm very proficient in Webflow and have built several websites using the platform

Visual Studio Code

I've built several features and pages for TALNT using React JS on VSC.

Microsoft Clarity/Pendo

Microsoft Clarity and Pendo are tools I user to monitor user behaviour and measure our product analytics.

Project Management

In terms of project management, the agile framework we use with my team is Scrum. In the projects we've delivered the benefits of following this framework has been that it has allowed us to be flexible as a lean team, which is beneficial as priorities and requirements can often change during the sprint. Furthermore it has allowed us to collaborative and transparent promoting an open and honest culture. The first step when approaching a new project or implementing changes is sprint planning which we do as a team to discuss and prioritise our tickets. In these discussing we can add and estimate tasks to the upcoming sprint or pull existing tasks from the backlog into the upcoming sprint.

Once the sprint has started and tickets are prioritised I'll pick the most important tickets to work on first. Having daily stand-ups and meeting's allows me and team to stay in sync and be able to adapt if necessary. Also, depending on the length of sprint it's typical for each member of the team to present, so I will usually present my ideas, receive feedback and iterate based of that during the sprint until a ticket is signed off.

When a sprint is complete we will do a retrospective discussing the positives and negatives of the sprint and talking about the things we will do in future to improve our work process.

Design Process

This section is ChatGPT free, I will briefly discuss my design process sharing my ideas and opinions about the different approaches that are possible when finding a solution. Furthermore, I will also share some of the work I do  in each of the design phases when solving a design problem.


The double diamond framework was the first framework I was taught  when learning about different methods of approaching and solving a design problem. I still think it's a good way to structure your approach to design challenge, I think the double diamond is a good fundamental to have. But designing a solution isn't typically a linear process, I feel it is important to be able to adapt and also apply design thinking when approaching your tasks.


In my approach to the discovery phase of UX design, I draw heavily on the principles of design thinking, particularly empathy, ideation, and prototyping. Once given a task and direction about what we're trying to deliver and achieve. I begin by enquiring about what data and information we currently have on our challenge then immerse myself in user research, conducting interviews, surveys, and competitive analysis to deeply understand the user’s needs and the market landscape. This phase is all about gathering insights, which helps me empathise with the user’s pain points and align the project’s goals accordingly. By synthesising this information, I ensure that the design process is informed, user-centred, and ready for innovative solutions.


In the define stage of my design process, I focus on clearly articulating the problem by synthesising insights from the discovery phase. I often engage in a collaborative process, seeking feedback from the project manager and team to ensure the problem is well-understood from multiple angles. This collaboration isn't always necessary but can be crucial in refining problem statements and aligning on user needs. By using tools like personas and journey maps, I ensure the problem is framed effectively, setting a solid foundation for the next steps.


In the development stage of my design process, I focus on transforming the defined problem into a tangible solution. This involves creating prototypes and iteratively refining them based on user feedback and testing. While this stage is primarily about building and refining, collaboration continues to play a role. I often work with developers, ensuring that the design is feasible and aligns with technical constraints. Throughout the process, I maintain an iterative mindset, continuously testing and refining until the solution effectively meets user needs and project goals.


In the delivery stage of my design process, the focus is on ensuring that the final product is ready for users. The product is first launched in a beta version, allowing for real-world testing and gathering user feedback. This stage involves close monitoring and addressing any issues that arise during the beta phase. Once the product has been refined based on this feedback and is stable, it is released into full production. This approach ensures that the final product meets user needs and performs reliably in a live environment.

Self Evaluation

Reflecting on my professional journey, I recognise several strengths that have significantly contributed to my growth. My ability to adapt quickly has been a key asset, particularly in my transition from a React developer to a product designer. This adaptability is essential in the fast-paced tech industry, enabling me to effectively tackle new challenges. Additionally, my focus on user-centered design has driven me to create tools and features that enhance user experience while aligning with business objectives.

While my communication skills are already good, I’ve been actively working on enhancing them further. My focus has always been on producing great work, but I now want to transform communication into one of my strongest assets. By improving how I articulate ideas and engage with others, I aim to foster better collaboration and ensure that my contributions have the maximum impact. This continued development in communication will complement my technical strengths and help me excel in every aspect of my role.

Currently in London